Tuesday, June 3, 2008

My New View - 29.5 Weeks

The time has come. I took a one way trip as a pregnant women to the UNC Hospital on Monday afternoon. I will remain here for the remainder of my pregnancy. At Friday's appt. I had trace amounts of protein in my urine. I did a 24 hour urine test that weekend and monitored my blood pressure 4 x daily. It wasn't until Monday morning when I returned to UNC with my urine sample that my blood pressure was up. The 24 hour test showed I was just above the cut-off for protein in my urine. I have mild preeclampsia.

Living at the hospital is not that bad. The staff is great and my room has an awesome view. There is a pull out couch so Max can stay the night and the food is actually decent. The "fun" part is the 2x/day monitoring of the babies. Trying to find three different heartbeats for an extended period of time is close to impossible. The 20 min. monitoring sessions usually take at least 1 hour. Squirm babies squirm :)

Preeclampsia is not something any women wants to deal with. But, I am being watched very closely and as soon as we see a change, the babies will come out. So far, my blood pressure hasn't gotten over 140/90 but even 133/89 is concerning for someone like me who usually runs in the low 100's/60's. We could be in here for several weeks or a few days...only time will tell. I will have thorough lab work done every few days.

The great news is the babies are doing wonderful and we have passed the 28 week milestone! Certainly they will spend some time in the NICU with the awesome staff but will most likely grow and thrive. Tomorrow we will have a growth scan so will know a lot more about the babies then.

Keep us in your thoughts and prayers and we will be sure to keep everyone updated.


Unknown said...

Hang in there! Thinking about you ...

Grammyx5 said...
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Grammyx5 said...

Hang in there Karla and Max.
I am taking good care of Hayden for you. I will wait to meet my new grandchildren for as long as it takes to get them good and healthy. I am very excited.

Love Mom

MotherOf3Guys said...

Thoughts and prayers are with you! I can really imagine the "fun" in monitoring the babies...I used to have to be the nurse trying to get those baby heartbeats!! I can only imagine trying to get all three monitored!!

Meluch+3 said...

At least you have a decent view!!! I was in for a few days at 29-ish weeks and I had a view.....of the parking lot! Keep up the positive attitude. You'll need it when you're doing the 3am feedings :)


Amber said...

Sorry to hear about the hospital bedrest. We will keep you in our thoughts. Hang in there.

Loretta said...

Karla, you have kept your babies safe and made such a good home for them they will want to hang in there a few more weeks. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your babies. I love to read your updates. Loretta