Monday, June 9, 2008

A Look Back - 30 Weeks

I have posted several belly shots of me lately so I thought I would post a picture of me from my better side today :)

In all seriousness, today is our official "30 week milestone". This is a huge deal and we are extremely grateful to be here today. Here is a brief history:

16 weeks-I was feeling great, we took a trip to Florida and we walked around Sea World and Universal Studios. I got to enjoy the wonderful weather poolside...wearing a bathing suit.

20 weeks - My belly starts to get BIG! It is much harder to get around but I'm still walking around campus and working.

23 weeks - My cervix begins to shorten (from 3.8 cm to ~2.4). I am told to "take it easy" and try to lay in bed as much as possible.

24 weeks - The day before my thesis proposal I am sent to Labor and Delivery b/c my cervix has gone from ~2.4 to ~1.6. I receive a steroid shot to mature babies lungs in case I deliver...VERY early. The babies are viable (~60% live) but it would be a long road ahead. I do not appear to be in labor but it is strict bed rest from here on. No more school or work for me.

28 weeks - This is another huge milestone. Babies have 90% survival rate at this point. After 4 weeks of bedrest my cervix has only shortened to ~1.3-~1.1. I am still not dilated and have made two trips to L & D due to contractions/short cervix delivery. I am given another steroid shot at the end of the week as a precaution.

29 weeks - I have protein in my urine and my blood pressure is higher than normal. I have mild preclampsia so am admitted to the hospital. At this point we think I am buying days till delivery. Growth scan shows my babies are great sizes for triplets..even a little robust!

30 weeks - Another huge milestone. Survival rates are close to 98% and preemie long term health problems drop dramatically. I am still in the hospital and my preclampsia seems to be slowly smoldering onward. At this point, I could definitely still be "buying days" but things look optimistic. I may just make it another week....or two :) We can expect the babies to stay in the NICU for 4-7 weeks.

Looking ahead - If we make it to 32 weeks, our babies may be all over 4 lbs! The average for triplets is 3-3.5 lbs. At this point, each day the babies spend in my belly is 3 less days in the NICU.

Thanks everyone for your thoughts, prayers and encouragement. It has made a huge difference.


Nico said...

I have to say, looking at you from behind I would never in a million years guess that you had a 42 week plus pregnant belly in the front! You look great :-)

And I think you've done an amazing job getting your babes to the point where they are highly unlikely to have any long term problems. I'm looking forward to "meeting" them when they finally do make an appearance!

Living Stone said...

You are amazing!!! I will be praying for you - all 5 of you!!!

mary said...

Yay, 30 weeks! That's wonderful. We are thinking about you and sending sweet wishes to your little sprouts! xoxo, mary and jud

Grammyx5 said...

Way to go Grandbabies and Karla. Keep growing babies. Keep up the good work Karla. You are doing an amazing job.
Love ya,

Unknown said...

So glad you've made it this far! Keep on going!

Meluch+3 said...

That is wonderful!!!! Keep up the good work. I hope you've got at least 2 more weeks. I can't believe it's already 30 weeks!


Tracey, Matt, Charlie, and Nathan said...

Sis, you still look great to me! I am proud of you--you are doing a great job keeping those babies in there and keeping yourself as healthy as possible for them--it is paying off big time! They are going to be great!

Love ya and looking forward to our next visit.

carole peters said...

Karla i love your coments about the little angels your taking so good care of. I can't wait to see them. I have all of my prayer group praying for you, Max and the three munchkins, as you call them.I only wish I wasn't so far away. Much Love and kisses. Aunt Carole