Saturday, June 21, 2008

A Big Thanks

Monday will be a big day for us...32 weeks! We never imagined at 32 weeks I would still be pregnant but it looks like we are going to make it. I want to take a post to thank those who have helped us get this far.

Thank you Max! Although my husband has not carried these babies, there is no doubt he has helped us get this far. While working full time he has also managed to keep house, stay on top of car issues, coordinated care of our dog Hayden, supported me, and is proactive in my care here at the hospital. The pull out "bed" here is very uncomfortable yet he still spends most his nights here with his family and stays around for important appointments. Max is going to be an amazing dad.

Thank you mom and dad! My mom was a great help while I was on bedrest at home by making me meals and helping get the nursery organized. She ran errands for us like getting groceries and picking up the rest of the baby necessities. I must say, I think she has supplied us with half our babies' wardrobe. My dad has helped with some much needed projects around the house. My parents have also helped us by taking care of Hayden some since I have been in the hospital.

Thank you Max's parents! Max's mom and dad have helped out around the house by doing laundry, cleaning, and putting together nursery furniture. Carol also always makes sure I have fresh flowers at the hospital and brings me treats and games whenever she comes to visit. This makes my hospital stay so much brighter and bedrest more bearable!

Thank you Tracey! My sister has been a priceless wealth of information to me throughout this pregnancy. As a labor and delivery nurse and an extremely organized and efficient mom herself, I am constantly bombarding her with questions. She is also lending me her hospital grade pump for after the babies arrive. For any mom who has decided to pump, especially moms of multiples, you appreciate the importance this expensive little device has in your life. Of course, she also threw me an amazing baby shower that was tons of fun...even though I had to lie on the couch the whole time :)

Thank you Max's sister Jes! Jes and her kids came all the way down from Northern Virginia to spend a few days at our house helping out. She made us 17 meals to keep in our freezer for after the babies arrive! What a nice change of pace this will be from hospital food! She also brought us some great garage sale finds we needed from our registry. Thank you Jes, what an invaluable gift!

Thank you Ben and Kathryn! Our good friends have not only been companions through the months of bedrest by visiting and making us dinners but have also agreed to babysit our current baby, Hayden. Our dog absolutely loves Kathryn whose cuddles rival mine. He also sees Ben as another Max and is very at home with them. We know Hayden is happy and safe with you all and the burden it takes off Max is priceless!

Thank you Nick! My brother has taken Hayden for us for the weekend and has been so much fun to visit with. He lives close to the hospital and comes by about twice a week and entertains Max and I. I know Max enjoys having him around to take the "edge off" by going running together and getting downtown for some "non-hospital" dinners. Nick, we hope to see you around just as much when the babies arrive ;)

Thanks to all the rest of our friends and family who have supported us through these past few months. It has been great emailing and chatting with friends and visiting with family. Your encouraging words and prayers have helped us get through each day.

Assuming I am still pregnant on Tuesday, we will have our growth scan! This is always exciting for us...we are hoping our kiddos are still growing well and are close to 4 pds! Health wise, I am hanging in there. My bp's are still creeping up (140's/90's) although my blood work continues to come back fine (so still buying time). Babies all still look great!


Meluch+3 said...

That's GREAT!!!! 32 weeks is a really good gestational milestone. I keep checking your blog and I'm so happy every time I see you're still hanging in there. Keep it up!


Living Stone said...

Awesome to see your new pic up! You look incredible!!! What a blessing to be coming up on 32 weeks in such good spirits and with such good stats. Keep up the good work. What an amazing support network God has surrounded you with.
It was neat to read how your needs have been so provided for... I know HIS provision will continue into tomorrow and your entire journey as parents.

MotherOf3Guys said...

It is great that you have such a good support group! They deserve a big do you!! Thoughts and prayers are with you.
P.S.: Your belly looks like it hurts!

Kt said...

Congrats! I'm so happy everything is going so well. 32 weeks and you still look!


Your old (cross the street) neighbor

Anonymous said...

HAPPY 32 weeks! We're up here in VA still thinking of you guys!!!

Sarah said...

congrats on making it to 32 weeks karla!!

Nico said...

32 weeks!!! You made it. Major kudos.

And I just saw the belly shot. WOW! I still think you look great though!