Saturday, June 28, 2008

Life is Better...on Drugs

Up to this point, I have tried to stay away from all drugs during my pregnancy. In fact, I could probably count the number of times I took Tylenol on two hands. However, the pain of the expanding belly has taken its toll on me. Just when I thought I couldn't make it one more second, the doctors introduced me to some stronger medications. Not sure the exact name of the drug given to me through my IV today but I call it "liquid heaven".

Labor appears very near so every time I have any strange pain at all (hello.....I am stretched to the max and carrying around 13 pounds of baby) the doctor's love to send me to the floor of torture, oh I mean labor and delivery. Here I get poked several times while trying to get my IV set up and get belted in to the monitoring devices. Then, I get left to "get comfortable and rest" for 4-6 hours. When the doctors finally make their appearance (btw, I love my doctor, he is very attentive and present but unfortunately he doesn't work 24/7) I am informed "well...I really thought I was going to deliver your triplets today but I guess not..."

Today something extraordinary happened, not only was I given a dose of the "liquid heaven" but I was also told I could take a Percoset every 4 hours upon request. The doctors assure me this is perfectly safe for the babies at this point. ("especially since they will be in the NICU for a period of time, they would detox there anyway" one nurse said...very reassuring don't you think ;)). Never in my life have I taken anything stronger than Ibuprofen, now I know how wonderful epidurals must be while in labor.

So, although I only get to eat once every 24 hours (the L&D floor doesn't allow food since surgery may be near) , it take me 5 minutes to wobble my way to the bathroom that is literally 2 steps away from my bed, and I must wear a needle attached to my hand, I think I may last at least a few more days thanks to pharmaceuticals. I promise, I'm keeping my spirits up :)

I want to send a special congrats out to my other Triangle triplet mom friend who had her babies a few days ago at 33 weeks, 3 days! She was on bedrest for a good 3 months so knows my pain all too well. However, she now looks so shiny and happy with her three precious babies. Her face screams "it is worth every second!". The other triangle triplet mom I know had her babies 4 weeks ago at 31.5 weeks. They also are doing great. I'm right around the corner ladies, the three of us will have 9 babies so close in age :)

Another congrats to our friends Joey and Joelle who had their adorable baby girl last weekend.

My next post may be very interesting....

1 comment:

Living Stone said...

Oh, you are such a trooper!!!
I'm so excited for you knowing that babies are coming soon....