Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Growing Trio - 32 Weeks, 2 days

Just a quick post to update estimated baby weights. There seems to be some confusion over our girls. They either changed positions or they both completely flipped around. You wouldn't think there would be room for them to be so mobile but they appear to be claiming their space. All three are pretty stretched out.

Baby A (girl) - 4 lbs. 4 oz.
Baby B (boy)- 4 lbs. 7 oz.
Baby C (girl) - 3 lbs 6 oz.

As the babies get bigger it becomes harder to estimate their weights over ultrasound...especially with three babies! Obviously two of these kiddos are growing like weeds! These are pretty big babies even for singletons at this age. Our smaller girl was very difficult to measure since her head is very low. The doctors think she is actually bigger than the estimated weight based on her femur and abdominal measurements. Only time will tell....the waiting continues.


Unknown said...

Wow - they are really growing - I bet it's all those protein shakes;)

Meluch+3 said...

Those weights are awesome. Try not to worry about the one whose head they can't measure properly. My baby A was so far into my cervix at the 32 week growth scan that they even put a qualification on the u/s report--that they couldn't reliably estimate his weight. He wound up being a little smaller than his brothers, but fine otherwise! I'm so happy you've passed 32 weeks!!! That is awesome.


Proud Gramdma said...

You are doing a great job so far. Keep up the hard work. We continue to pray for all to be healthy.