Sunday, March 1, 2009

8 Months and the Games Begin

Everyone says it. We all know it. But wow do babies grow up fast. Months 1-3 seemed to last forever. There were so many days were I was ready to throw in the towel. Months 4-8 have been a blur, a very entertaining blur. Don't get me wrong, there are certainly still days that I barely get a chance to brush my teeth but there are others where I find time to make my own baby food.

These days the house is filled with screams of delight. We try to be conspicuous at the grocery store but when Mia is squealing like a little diva as people walk by, it is hard to go unnoticed. The joys of 8 month olds :)

And, we have our first official crawler...

Mia is everywhere. Our tiny 2.5 lb 33 week baby is the first to develop hand/knee coordination. This little princess also has her first tooth.

Baby Josie is not far behind Mia. She has taken a few tentative knee/arm movements forward but she can go backward like a champ. She is known to get stuck under the couch and back herself into corners. She gracefully sits herself up from her hands and knees. Yesterday she made it across the room and plopped herself into sitting right in front of the tv. Go figure. No teeth yet for Josie.
Momma's boy Marcus has found a quicker way to move than crawling. This boy began rocking on his hands and knees months ago but just can't seem to get the crawling down. He now propels himself across the room by numerous face-dives. It's fast and it works. He also easily pushes himself into a sitting position and has TWO teeth.

Besides the screams of delight, we also have screams from bumps. But, I know this is only the beginning of head buts, hair pulling and topples. Let the games begin.


Cara Maria McDonough said...

Petite girls are usually the first to figure everything out. Just saying...

Becky said...

So I guess Marcus will be the creative one! How very sweet!! I can't believe we haven't met them, but so glad that I seem to "know" them through your blog! Keep it up!
...and remember Teddy went from army crawl to running in about a day and a half (or at least it seemed that fast) so anything's possible!
Miss you guys!