Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I Spy Three Babies

Can you find all three in the picture below:

(Josie is in the top right pulling up on the dining room chair, Marcus is on his way to join her and Mia is climbing on the box of wipes in the bottom left)

It is time for me to stop searching for that perfect baby barricade on Craiglist and get this house totally baby-proofed. As I suspected, Josie has hopped on the crawling bandwagon with a vengeance. Just like that, she has overtaken her brother and sister and with perfect form. I let them out of the corral (playroom) for an hour or so a day to roam the downstairs. They have a blast together.
Needless to say, we have had to lower the kiddos cribs all the way down. I used to think the kiddos would not be walking by their first birthday. I am begining to think otherwise.

I love the kids at this age. They are so much fun! Although, Mia's teething drama is wearing me down a tad. She really does take after her daddy :)

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