Friday, March 28, 2008

We Keep Going...

My 20 week appt. was yesterday. Max was in Vegas celebrating his last taste of freedom with his brother-in-laws Nick and Matt so my mom went with me. Everything looks good. The babies appear to be growing; although we will not do measurements again for two more weeks. We caught one of them yawning and trying out some of the amniotic fluid :) They all had their heads close together while their bodies were every which way. My cervix is still long and closed. So, we continue to move forward.

I have caught an awful cold. Supposedly pregnancy colds are pretty common and tend to linger. This is my first illness so far so I'll suck it up and deal. I discovered I can take benadryl at night. What a lifesaver, I got my first good night's sleep this week.

I am continuing work and school till the end of April (the end of the semester) as long as my body let's me. I only work about 12-15 hours a week at Campus Recreation, mostly administrative work and lecturing. I am also working on my thesis from home. The rest of the time, I am trying to keep my feet up and relax. Everything I read and hear from experienced triplet moms stresses the importance of rest and hydration. I am already starting to crave a good spin workout or long run but I have a few more months to go. Hopefully my pre-pregnancy fit body is helping me make this pregnancy a success.

Till our next adventure...


Happy Family said...

Found your site from TC. Cool! I love to keep in touch with my TC friends. Keep those babies cookin and can't wait to see them soon.


Sarah said...

karla, cara informed us of your exciting news and i have been checking in to watch your progress. first off, congratulations! it's facinating to read the updates on how you are feeling and see the pictures. sounds like you all are doing great and i look forward to reading more as your pregnancy continues!!
xoxo sarah e.