Sunday, March 2, 2008

Honeymoon Trimester with Triplets?

Everyone raves about the second trimester of pregnancy, referring to it as the "honeymoon trimester". You feel great, your skin is vibrant, you have the slightest baby bump and your energy is through the roof. From what I've heard, being pregnant with triplets is another story. Few women have a very long "honeymoon trimester". Since you measure 10-12 weeks ahead, by the time the nausea and fatigue of the first trimester vanish you are so large that you are having third trimester pains and complaints.

Well, I am in my "honeymoon trimester" right now and am living it up no matter how short lived it is! I have so much more energy, feel wonderful and proudly trot around with my "25 week" belly. Since I feel so good, I have been going to the pool and doing some light swimming (doctor's approval) and yoga, which only makes me feel even better. I no longer crave junk food so have replaced chips and processed snacks for fruit, yogurt a little chocolate and protein bars. I also have fallen back in love with steak after avoiding red meat for 5 years. Max and I will be heading to Orlando for a little getaway next weekend for our "pregnancy honeymoon". I can't wait.

So, I probably won't have much to update until March 14th, when we will go in for our level 2 ultrasound. Males-TMI warning. From this appt. on, they will start measuring my cervix to make sure it stays nice and long. If so, my chances of preterm labor and early bedrest are lower.

And no, I still don't think I feel any movements yet. It is still fairly early even though some women with multiples say they start to feel kicking around this time. From what I've heard, first time moms always feel this later...closer to 20+ weeks.

Thanks everyone for all your kind words and support. Since sharing our news, we have only heard posotive loving remarks. We appreciate everyone's thoughts and offers of help.


pam said...

oh yes, that was the magical time! probably from about 14-25 weeks was v good to me. enjoy it! :)

and btw, i didn't start feeling movement until about 22 weeks. but it was worth the wait. :)

Meluch+3 said...

Enjoy those few precious weeks of energy! I was great from week 14-week 20 and pretty good up until about week 24 or 25. I felt some movement really early, but it wasn't regular and noticeable until about week 20 or so.


The Amazing Trips said...

Oddly enough, I felt movement with my singleton before I felt movement with my triplet pregnancy. I think part of the reason was that I'd been pg with the triplets first - so didn't know what to expect (?) ... but also - the triplets were so packed in, they hardly had room to move. It was like a mosh pit!!

Take care & enjoy your pregnancy. It is such a wonderful, blessed time in life!!

Unknown said...

Good luck with everything! I put you on our "bump watch." Hope that's OK.