Sunday, February 1, 2009

My Babies are Growing Up!

I know my last post was a little emotional. We have had some tough days with the triplets lately and even a supermom like myself needs to vent from time to time :) As shiny and bright as our life is on most days, I like to be honest and admit some days are tough.

Today I am back to supermom. Between naps, bottles, lunch and administering Josie's breathing treatment, we managed to get the babies dressed (adorably) and do a photo shoot! There was a lot of snot wiping but we got some great pictures. Here is one of our favorite shots!

I also have been dying to get a photo of the babies using their new bath rings! Our awesome neighbor Gail (aka, our dog Hayden's surrogate mom, bless you Gail!) bought these for us (I promise we supervise the babies at all times while using these rings..I'm not trying for another controversial post ;)). The kids have always loved bath time but now it is a blast! As usual, Mia is being grabby. She loved being in the middle and pulling at her brother and sister!

Baby updates

Marcus is constantly up on all 4's rocking and has made progress on moving backwards. He hasn't figured out you need to move your arms forward to go forward.

Mia seems to actually move around more than Marcus but how is a mystery to us. She is not crawling or rolling to the other side of the room but somehow, she gets there.

Josie is not the type to be dramatic about her achievements. She is sitting like a champ, which came out of nowhere. I'm guessing some day soon we will look up and she will be daintily retrieving toys on all 4's.


Jessica Kreitzer said...

Oh my gosh, where did all that hair come from? I can't believe that I saw them just a little over a month ago. They really look so much different with all the hair. That's a cute pic of the 3 of them.

Michelle Williams said...

The babies are soooo beautiful and growing so wonderfully. What a great photo of them, even tho they are not feeling their best, look at those smiles.

MotherOf3Guys said...

Love the smiles and what cute pictures... It is always a challenge to get 3 kids to smile and get a good picture...even if they are not the same ages!!