Tuesday, February 10, 2009

7 Months - This Must be Heaven

The kids have been a complete joy lately. They smile, laugh and entertain each other. The silliest things are funny: Josie cracked up yesterday watching Mia eat. When our dog Hayden enters the room, Marcus's whole body shakes with excitement. The other day, Mia couldn't stop gigling at a silly hat I put on my head. Baby giggles are a beautiful thing. I can take them places outside the house too. The other week we got stuck at Target in an awful storm. I had Marcus and Mia in the double stroller and was wearing Josie in the baby bjorn. I ended up buying some baby food and spoons and fed them at the Starbucks in Target waiting for the storm to pass. No one cried or caused a scene. We even went to a cocktail party to celebrate the completion of one of our rental properties last weekend. The kids sat and played on the floor for hours. They were angels. Here is Marcus with Uncle Nick enjoying the basketball game at the party.

Nights have also been wonderful. For the first time in over a year, I have nights where I sleep from 9:30 PM-4:30 AM without waking up. For over 1 month now, Josie and Marcus are officially STTN. They go to bed at 7 PM and I don't hear a peep from them till Marcus (of course) wakes up around 4-5 AM. Usually I can pat him back to sleep and go back to bed for an additional hour or two. Mia STTN about half the time. When she does wake up, it is usually around 4 AM for a very quick bottle. I have not heard a peep from Josie from 7 PM-6 AM in months. I am officially getting 7 hours of sleep most nights. Life is so much better with sleep. Sleep is a beautiful thing. Never underestimate the power of sleep!

I have heard people say that 6-9 months is a great age. I am beginning to see how people could forget the horror of the newborn stage and think about having another child. Something that was incomprehensible to me before. HELLO, NOT ME! WE ARE DONE! YES, FOR SURE!

I don't think days with the triplets will ever be easy. But, as the sickies go away, everyone sleeps, and smiles take the place of whines, life is placid.

Until we start to teeth, until rocking on all 4's and scooting turns to all out crawling, and until we catch another illness, let there be peace :)


Jessica Kreitzer said...

When you were pregnant and we were talking about getting a sling or baby bjorn to wear one of them when you went out, you were saying that you didn't need to worry about it because you wouldn't be going anywhere with all three of them by yourself. I knew at the time you were crazy and would come to your senses. What is unimaginable to other people (or you at the time) is your everyday life. You just suck it up, do it, and move on.

I'm glad you're enjoying this stage. I wish I could see them. I love those baby giggles!

Clan Goodrich said...

I read this and am SO JEALOUS! My 7 month old BBG keep me up all night. We are housebound and coming off horrible colds.

Max and Karla said...

I think we should have more kids. - Max

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the sleeping through the nights - I definitely feel like I can handle anything when I've had enough sleep. Our three just turned 7 months yesterday, and it really is such a fun stage.

Tracey, Matt, Charlie, and Nathan said...

It only gets more fun and rewarding from now on--until they hit those terrible 2's and 3's, when temper tantrums, "NO!", and picking on each other become the norm. But even then, they can say "I love you, Mommy," and it makes it all worth it!

Cara Maria McDonough said...

yay! they're adorable and Karla, you look wonderful!

Meluch+3 said...

Oh...I Love 9-12 month. It is unbelievable how much fun I have watching them discover. The first time they crawl, the first time they pull up, the teeth, the cruising around furniture and pretty soon the walking. Yes, more work. BUT oh their joy!
