Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A Little Odd

I try to get out with the kids on most days. Often it is for a walk or jog on the trail by our house. Sometimes we go to the local Target, Petsmart or bookstore. Whenever we are out and about with the kids we get a little attention. Maybe a few people stop to "awe" and occasionally we get a medical person (L&D nurse, ultrasound tech, etc) to politely ask a few questions about how far we carried the babies, how long they were in the NICU and how big they were when they were born. You may be surprised that not many people ask us about fertility treatments.

Sometimes we walk to the grocery store about 1.5 miles down the road. Today was one of those days. And for some reason we got A TON of attention on this short trip. Luckily everything I needed today was down the cereal and baby aisle. However, conveniently, 5 grocery store employees needed to venture into the cereal aisle while we were there. They all stopped to ooo and awe and ask lots of questions. One 75+ year old man asked me if I used fertility drugs. Like I said, I am fairly open about my story but today I felt like I had to defend myself. I found myself telling this old man I didn't know how I used an ovulation drug that had less than 1% chance of triplets. The octuplets are getting to me.

I hate that I feel like I have to defend my use of fertility treatment. If I had needed to do IVF to get pregnant, I should have no problem admitting that. The ocutplets are getting to me darn it!

As we were checking out, an employee helped me unload my groceries and pack them back into the stroller. She said "honey, you let me know if I can help you out anytime!" The manager then came up and thanked us for shopping at his store.

Is it the octuplets or was it just one of those days?

1 comment:

Neva said...

That whole octuplet thing is getting to most everyone...how are they being provided for? the State of California public aid? I have serious issues with all of that...not to mention...14 children in one house with a single mother? are you freaking kidding me? don't let it get to you....you are a responsible, intelligent adult in a loving, committed realtionship.. and quite frankly, it is not one else's business....even the octuplet thing is not my business but it is down right impossible to not have an opinion on it isn't it?
( I found your blog thru my sister, Tina, BTW) sound like you are one busy lady.)I admire your determination to get back into being physically fit.