Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A New Schedule

I wanted to update on the triplets and my schedule. The trio is now 8 weeks old (2 weeks adjusted). They are well out of their preemie stage and have all the typical newborn behavior. Our new schedule goes something like this:


Ok, not really since I have a second to still post to my blog. But, our schedule is definitely not as structured as it was the first few weeks. The babies stay awake a lot more so I don't have nearly as much time to keep up with chores. Because of this, I have hired a mother's helper. She comes on Monday and Thursday afternoons and does baby laundry, prepares formula, etc. She also helps with the babies during the infamous "witching" hours when the babies have lots to complain about.

I have dropped several pumping sessions per day. Where I was pumping every 3 hours, I now am down to every 5-6 hours. This leaves me much more time to spend with my awake babies. They now get breastmilk at 3 of their 8 feedings. I still think it is about half their overall volume since they are starting to eat so much less at night. I originally wanted to provide breast milk for three months. I think I will make this goal...only 1 more month!

Although they are not close to sleeping through the night, the babies do sometimes go for a 4 hour stretch at night. I also stopped pumping at the 12-1 AM feed so get to sleep from 10:30 to the 3-4 AM feed (Max does the 1 AM feed). If life was perfect, the babies would go right back to sleep after each feed and I would get 7 hours of sleep every night. BUT, there is always that one baby who either throws up, has a dirty diaper, is very gassy, or is just plain fussy between feedings. This prevents "perfect nights".

What makes it all worth it - The babies are adorable! They are starting to coo and Josie MAY have attempted to give a smile the other day. Everyday is an adventure! Each of these days are precious and a true gift.

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