Monday, August 25, 2008

Juggling those babies...that's how I lost weight!

Update on getting back in shape: Here are a few pictures of how I managed to lose all but 7 pounds of my baby weight (I'm still going to need that tummy tuck though) . During the "witching" hours (5-8 PM), everyone is a bit moody. You have to be creative to keep them happy. You also have to be creative to get workouts in. They love movement so there couldn't be a better solution!

Lunges with weights - works thighs and butt
Plies with shoulder raise- works inner thighs and shoulders
We also walk anywhere from 30 minutes to 1 hour every day. I also have been known to walk around the house with two babies in my arms. This includes repeatedly climbing stairs. One to two times per week I also am able to get a spin workout in. I try to eat several small meals throughout the day and make sure I get in plenty of whole wheat, vegetables (salsa is my favorite way to squeeze these in) and fruits (my desert every night is angel food cake, fresh strawberries, bananas, a small scoop of ice-cream and coolwhip).

Update on life with triplets: We love our help! When my mom walks through that door every day I breathe a huge sigh of relief. We love having visitors to hold and feed babies (yes, you are welcome to come by ANYTIME!) Max's parents come down often and give Max and I a night out. Aunt Katherine, Uncle Ben and Uncle Nick stop by on weekends to lend a helping hand. We probably get anywhere from 3-5 hours of sleep a night (thus the quick and disjointed post). We are both tired but having a wonderful priceless time with our trio. Here are a few more recent pics...

Mia and Jocelyn looking pretty for our trip to visit our UNC family.
Max taking over for a bit after returning from work


Unknown said...

Honestly, I still can't believe you have 3 kids. :)

Glad to see everyone doing well!

Cara Maria McDonough said...

Karla, you are a total inspiration. I'm going to have to use these weight loss techniques post-baby.

The little ones look so good. You guys are doing great!!

Grammyx5 said...

I just love being there to help with these wonderful grandbabies. Is it lots of work? Yes! Do I mind? No! I will be there to help as long as is needed.

Karla,and Max too, stay strong and keep up the good work with your babies. One day soon they will all reward you with thier smiles and you will know how worth it all the work is.

Nico said...

Karla, you look fabulous, and what cutie pies you have. You should drop in on the vets2 board sometime and say hi! dana, resa and krissy just had their little boys, and apples and irish had their babies (girl and boy) about a month ago. We're in the midst of a full on baby storm!! :-)