Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Calm Before the Storm

This is not a post about inappropriate nap locations (i.e. swings, bouncy seats) as the picture may indicate; that is a whole different post I will have to address in the next few months. Rather, this is yet another post about sleeping through the night (STTN).

I have to admit, Josie has probably been capable of STTN for the past few months. If I was regimented enough to follow any of the half a dozen sleep books I own, her and Marcus would both be STTN by now. But, I value my own sleep too much to endure a few nights of torture (constant crying).

As the kids approach 6 months and 15 pounds and 30+ oz. per day (all the "requirements" to make it through the night according to the various books I own), it is time to admit I need to actually try to implement some of these techniques if I am going to continue to complain about them not STTN.

A mentor triplet mom once told me (Mel, I think this was you) that she actually misses the night time feedings. I thought she was insane! Now, I completely understand where she is coming from. Our night feeding routine is actually quite peaceful now (NOT including Marcus's inability to sleep for 8 hours without waking up crying at least once). When Marcus wakes up sometime between 2-3 AM (not when he wakes up at midnight or 4 AM), I feed him. He usually quickly drinks 3-4 ounces and is back asleep within 10 minutes. I then quietly sneak into the girls room and feed them one at a time. Josie rarely opens her eyes for these feedings, she is only drinking 2-4 oz. This is the only time Mia will gulp down 4 oz. without wanting to take a break to play. I cherish these 30 minutes. As a triplet mom, I do not get to hold and cuddle my babies that often. This middle of the night feeding is precious one on one time. Plus, the babies are super sweet while they are half asleep. Their bodies are limp in your arms and their little fingers wrap around your index finger as they eat. After they finish their bottles their warm arms wrap around your neck before you set them in their crib. As soon as they lay down they reach for their lovey and snuggle it to their faces and go back to sleep. Truly, these are precious moments that no camera or words can capture. Getting to witness this three times a night is priceless.

Alas, Josie and Marcus are at the point where they are eating out of habit. They do not need those 3-4 oz. in the middle of the night when they are taking in 30+ oz. plus veggies and cereal during the day. Plus, at some point I need to stop going to bed at 8:30 PM. When Max is home over the holidays we have agreed to try to let Josie and Marcus CIO (cry it out) to get them through the night (Mia is still little and is ravenous at night as she tries to catch up to her brother and sister. She is not interested in solids, we cannot get her to eat enough during the day and she is not ready to STTN). These nights will not be sweet and peaceful. I am not looking forward to it! I am cherishing these last few peaceful nighttime feedings.

FYI, I do not expect wonderful sleep once the kids are not eating at night. Marcus continues to wake up and cry at random times throughout the night. I can only hope it improves after CIOing through nighttime feeds. However, I was talking to a professor of mine yesterday who has twins. He said "There will definitely be a day they STTN. My girl STTN WAY before my boy though. I think my boy finally started STTN around 1 year". Yay, just what I wanted to hear!

1 comment:

Meluch+3 said...

This was such a sweet post. I think you really captured the precious night time moments. I'm sure they will sttn soon. Honestly ours took a while to really get it. Now we're working on day time naps :)

Good luck!