Sunday, October 19, 2008

To Roanoke We Go

We packed up the van again last week and headed to Roanoke to visit the granparent's Roanoke home and all our family friends. Max was out of town so Grammy P. jumped right in and lent a hand with the babies. The kids slept on the 3 hour ride and managed to stay on schedule during the stay...crucial for all our sanity! It was a gorgeous evening so we got to take some great fall photos. My parent's neighbor, Stephanie (who has twins herself), tracked down a few baby items such as a swing (unfortunately Marcus cannot live without a swing but that is whole other post), a boppy (another triplet essential) and a floor gym so we had less to pack. Thanks Stephanie for all your help and for taking such great fall photos!

My awesome childhood friend Carly, got the babies one of the best presents ever, DIAPERS! I just had to take a picture of the babies with her gift:

We are desperately waiting for our babies to sleep through the night. Yes, I said "waiting". Is that funny? They still get up two times during the night to eat. I tried shushing them back to sleep once instead of feeding them, it was so much work for just an extra hour. I forsee "sleep training " being a very grueling process. For now, these babies are my excuse for going to bed at 8 PM :)

1 comment:

Becky said...

Not that you asked for advise...but worked for us (with only 1 baby...)
One week of terror is worth it. Now we know that if little guy is screaming in the middle of the night something is actually wrong (i.e. foot stuck between crib bars).
We dropped one feeding at a time (killed the midnight around 3-4 months and then the 3:30 was taken away around 6 months...per pediatrician saying it was okay).
Poor Tommy had to do the brunt of the pat you on the back and then I'm outta here...'cause if he smelled me coming there was no turning back ;)
Your babies are beautiful (all four of them ;)
Keep up the good work! You're looking awesome.