Monday, September 15, 2008

They Aren't Going to Stop Us

Courses on raising multiples say you will not leave the house for the first year. Well, we set out to prove them wrong by taking a weekend trip to the beach (with grandparents of course). I wish I could say it was a breeze but as you can see, packing alone was an event. This is just the 3 babies "stuff" and it includes 2 pack n' plays, 2 packs of diapers, 2 boppy pillows, a cooler full of bottles, a breast pump, and the list goes on...

We only took the babies out on the beach for about 20 minutes. The cool breeze and the sound of the waves put them right to sleep. Grandma and Grandpa Gravitt were nice enough to take the babies shopping with them while Max, Luke and I caught some rays and enjoyed the water sans babies!

The kids had a great time playing and exploring their new environment. Of course we got a ton of attention everywhere we went.

Grandma and Grandpa Gravitt let the girls stay in their room on the vacation. They sure were a handful but I know the grandparents had a great time with them. Josie was extremely excited about her new surroundings. She probably slept as little as Grandma Gravitt. They both seem a little tired here.

Although it was a lot of work taking a vacation with 3 little ones, we all had such a great time. A special thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Gravitt for giving mom and dad a great weekend. We know working on 4 hours of sleep a night can be tough. And keeping those babies straight at 4 AM can be a lot harder than one would think ; )


Jessica Kreitzer said...

I'm proud of you guys for getting out there with them. I was worried about you when you talked about not going anywhere with them. Trust me, it will get easier the more you do it - sort of.

I'm sure Mom and Pop are exhausted. They're probably still sleeping! Wish I could be down there to lend a hand too.

Love you all! -Jes

mary said...

Sounds like you all had a great time! There's nothing like the beach for getting some R & R.