Thursday, September 4, 2008

2 Month Check-up

Mia, Marcus, and Josie

Our trio is 2 months old already! I can't believe it...actually, yes I can but I bet you can't :) Here is a progress report on the kiddos.

Marcus - Weighing in at a whopping 9 lbs, 11 oz, he is now on the growth charts at 10%! Remember, this is for his actual age of 9 weeks, pretty amazing considering he was 7 weeks early. Marcus is our inquisitive child. He has the biggest eyes and could beat you in a staring contest hands down. He is a little fussy right now as he battles a nasty case of reflux. He was just switched to a new medicine that seems to be helping. When he is feeling good, he loves to cue and watch you. We have gotten a few smiles from big man Marcus.

Josie - Not far behind Marcus, she is now 8 lbs, 9 oz. Josie has lived up to her nickname in the NICU, our rockstar. She has quite a personality and does not hesitate to let us know when she is a little angry. The girl has a set of lungs on her that she is not afraid to use. Josie's trademark has to be her strength. She was the first I felt kick at 17 weeks. She has superb head control already and is one tough cookie. Not a surprise, she is a redhead. Josie was also the first to give us a smile although they prove extremely hard to come by.

Mia - Still the tiniest but growing like a weed, Mia is now 7 lbs, 7 oz. If we had 3 Mia's, we would probably think triplets were a breeze. Mia is extremely laid back about everything. She doesn't demand a lot of attention and entertains herself already. She is the only one that is not battling typical preemie issues (reflux, constipation, colic, etc.) Extremely photogenic Mia is often mistaken for a doll. She is precious without a doubt but trust me, the little princess can get angry from time to time. Her biggest complaint, the pacies that just won't stay in her mouth!

The kids can be a handful at times. If one starts screaming about something, they tend to feed off each other and we end up in a screamfest. At the same time, when they are all happy the cuties cue at each other. There are times when they all want to be held which is a real challenge. However, there are plenty of times we count our blessings. They are great sleepers.. We can put them in their cribs awake at night and they will almost always put themselves to sleep. They still eat every 3-4 hours at night but they usually always go back down. I am eagerly waiting to wake up at 5-6 AM one of these mornings and realize the kiddos slept through their 2 AM feeding.

Big credit to my fellow triplet mom Amber for providing some of the following info from her blog (The Hughes Triplets):

We have gone through 1500 diapers

We have used about 2300 oz of formula

We have done ~75 loads of baby laundry

We have run the dishwasher full of bottles 130 times

And it has only been 2 months. Look at those darlings though, gotta love it!


Meluch+3 said...

I can't believe it's already been 2 months. It goes by so fast, doesn't it? Enjoy it as much as you can.


Nico said...

Totally adorable.

I cannot believe you've gone through 1500 diapers. HOly s**t!!!