Tuesday, July 22, 2008

From Bedreast to a 10K....

3 Weeks post pregnancy - Looks can be deceiving

I know, I'm NOT complaining about my recovery from bedreast and the triplet pregnancy. Most of the weight I gained dropped off within days. I definitely still have a post-pregnancy pooch, but I'll live with it. The obstacle in front of me is getting back into shape physically. I am a personal trainer...I run 10K's for fun, the pool is for swimming laps, A relaxing day is a 30 mile bike ride , and pilates and yoga are for meditation and keeping my mind clear, working out and encouraging others is my passion.
Today, I took my dog on a 1/4 mile walk around the neighborhood and felt like I was about to die. The other day I did the same workout with Marcus in his stroller and leaned into his stroller the whole way up the hill (aka: holding the rails on a treadmill...gasp :)) My knees hurt when I go down the stairs and my lower back aches every time I get out of bed in the morning. I am....hold your breath...completely out of shape!

I have decided to document my journey to rediscover my inner athlete on my professional blog, staymoving.blogspot.com. Now I can honestly say to my future clients, "I have been there, I know how awful it feels to have your belly jiggle while you gasp for air walking up a hill". I have not worked out in about 8 months and have been on complete bedrest for 2.5. I may only need to lose another 10-15 pounds, but I need to put on about 10 pounds of muscle that has disappeared.

I'll update my progress from time to time here, amongst many triplet adventures, but details of the "fun" of getting back in shape will be on my professional site for all my clients to see. I guess the pressure is on!


Amber said...

I so know how you are feeling. We went to target the other day. And I thought I might have to lay on the floor for awhile. If you ever want a walking buddy let me know.

Meluch+3 said...

I know how you feel. I reclassified a lot of things as workouts that had previously been things I did just as easily as breathing! (Walking around the block, the lake, whatever.) It definitely gets easier fast, especially if you keep it up.
