Sunday, July 20, 2008

The classic triplet pictures

If you have visited many triplet blogs, you've seen these classic pictures before. Here is a HALF days worth of bottles. I run these through the dishwasher but all the parts need to dry and be assembled before feedings. The trio is on high calorie formula at night. We get all the bottles ready for night feedings during the early evening. During the day, the trio is on expressed breast milk. I'm barely pumping enough to keep up with them so we prepare daytime bottles as we need them.

And of course, here is a picture of the trio! Even taking this photo was no easy task. The trio each got bathed, dressed and then fed one at a time. We had to keep them bundled to stay warm until right before the shoot. I can't believe we caught them all awake! Amazing! Josie, Mia and Marcus


Amber said...

The picture of all three of them are so cute. I'm so glad they are doing so well.

MotherOf3Guys said...

What a great shot of the babies!!

Living Stone said...

THEY ARE ADORABLE!!!! So cute - and such good color on all of them!!! You're doing a great job, momma. Keep it up!!!

mary said...

Your babies are beautiful! That is so awesome that they are all home already.