Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Hello couch!

My 23 week appointment was not quite as uplifting as previous visits. Unfortunately, my cervix has shortened to 2.6 cm, too close to the dreaded 2.5 cm that puts you at risk for preterm labor. What does this mean? I'm going to fly through all the seasons of Gray's Anatomy as I am confined to the couch! This particular show is one of my new TLC faves "Little People, Big World".

No more trips to campus for me. Max is taking me to work this afternoon for a short visit to wrap up all loose ends. I also will make one more visit next Tues. AM for my thesis proposal. My mom will be lucky enough to sit through this 30 minutes enlightening presentation (I won't bore you with the title). Obviously I will have to give my presentation seated.

Begining at my next doctor appointment, I will get a fetal fibronectin test, which helps to determine the chance of delivering in the next two weeks. I was hoping to delay this testing till 28 weeks but sometimes our bodies are unpredictable. The benefits of bedrest are to help take pressure off the cervix and hopefully prevent any further shortening. Also, it helps keeps contractions down. Over the past few weeks I have had numerous BH contractions and we want to keep my body as relaxed and calm as possible.

I am certain with rest and confinement to the bed I can keep trudging on for several more weeks...hopefully 7-10. Max has already been a HUGE help. My amazing husband is capable of juggling more responsibilities than I ever imagined! After a hard day's work he manages to cook dinner, take the dog out, wait on me, show our rental apartments, pay bills and clean the house. When my gracious mother comes down in May, he can take a well deserved break.

Well, I think a new episode of "What not to Wear" is about to start! More to come!

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