Saturday, February 16, 2008

Piling on the Weight

Some experts really push mothers of "supertwins" or "higher order multiples" to pile on the weight. Research shows that mothers who put on more weight during their pregnancy have preemie babies with higher birth weights. This is crucial for the health of the babies and can influence the length of their stay in the NICU. According to some experts, moms of future triplets should try to gain 60+ lbs. My doctor is recommending I gain 45-60 lbs, most within the first two trimesters while I can still fit food in my belly.

So far, I am doing pretty well. I have gained 20 lbs since all this started. I can't say it has all gone to my tummy but I know I need the fat stores for later in the pregnancy. I would gladly gain 100 lbs if needed for the health of my babies. I do look closer to 5 months along rather than my measly 3.5 months. We recently went to lunch with our friends Joey and Joelle, who are also expecting a little girl. Joelle looked great, she was around 4.5 months and just had the start of an adorable baby bump, smaller than mine :) I can no longer hide my baby bump so I have started proudly wearing my cute maternity clothes. People always look at me a little odd when I tell them I am only 3.5 months. Of course after I explain I am having triplets it all makes sense.

Keep an eye out for more of my "belly pics". Hopefully I will continue to expand at astronomical rates!


Courtney said...

Hi Karla!

I, too, had HA (I'm a big runner) and ended up conceiving triplets pretty quickly with the help of ovulation induction. I'm currently 24 1/2 weeks and have started to follow your blog.

Good luck to you, it sounds like you are doing great so far!


pam said...

congrats on your triplets! i have 11 week old boys. i'll be following your blog to see how you do!

ps 24 bottles is more than enough. :P