Monday, January 12, 2009

The One That Won't Sleep

I talk a lot about sleep. Probably because I miss it dearly. It seems like if you have been blessed to have triplets, you should at least be blessed with triplets that sleep through the night (STTN) at a young age, right? Anyone who has visited this blog knows that I desperately long for the night my babies sleep till morning and I now realize they are not going to do it on their own. Therefore, I have FINALLY decided to do something about this.

Mia now sleeps in our room in a Pack N' Play so that each of the kids can be in their own room. This is so they can cry it out individually rather than waking each other up. We will keep them separate until they are consistently STTN. How is it going? After only 2 nights, surprisingly well. I'm not talking any more about it though until the aftermath is over :)

Naps are also a little messy right now. We have moved Marcus and Mia from swings to cribs. Mia has never been a huge sleeper but now she will often only take 30-45 min. naps before she starts gabbing and won't sleep. It is hard to try to get her to go back to sleep when this is what you see when you walk into the room:

Mia happy as a clam, and she stays this way for hours until her next short nap. I hear there are a few babies out there who don't require as much sleep...go figure I get one :) Meanwhile if Josie or Marcus naps are short, yikes! It is an awful day (like today!)

Just to update on Josie, she is still ill but doing much better. No more emergency room visits! Mia and Marcus are still ok. Marcus has a cough but nothing to the extremes of Josie. We won't be out of the woods for a few more weeks though.


Meluch+3 said...

Your babies sound so cute. Also, be thankful that you only have one who doesn't take a long nap. 45 min. is a long nap for our guys :)

Hope Josie makes a speedy recovery.


TheGrowingCunninghams said...

I completely agree that triplets should come with some sort of STTN guarantee. We found one for nearly $10. While it comes with a little bit of work, it is SO worth it! My triplets, born 10 weeks early, have been sleeping through the night for months now. We have the occasional night where somebody is up, but that's been due mainly to teething, learning new skills (rolling over and getting stuck), or colds. This book is a very easy and very quick read. If it's this book or your own method, I'm wishing you a peaceful night . . . soon.