Sunday, November 9, 2008

4 Months and Counting...

Our 4 month visit to the doctor went well, besides the shots that is :) Imagine 3 nurses, 3 trays of shots and 3 screaming babies all squished in one tiny room, yep it's always fun! The kids are still small for 4 months but are great sizes for their actual age, 2.5 months. More important, their growth curves are right were preemies should be:

Marcus - 13 lbs. 2 oz.
Jocelyn - 11 lbs. 11 oz.

Amelia - 10 lbs. 12 oz.

Marcus and Jocelyn are still struggling with reflux but we expect improvements in the next month or two. I expect they will also drop that darn midnight feeding soon..please, please, please! The past few nights we have successfully been letting the kids CIO (cry it out for all non-moms) through the midnight feed. We decided this was ok since they were barely eating anything when they woke up. It has been working great, they go back to sleep within 10-20 min. But, last night Marcus was very persistant. After 45 min. of crying, he fell back asleep for 30 min. before he woke up screaming again. We gave in and gave him the bottle and he ate a whopping 7 oz so obviously he was hungry. This sleep training is so confusing! They still all get up for the 3-4 AM feed very hungry. THERE WILL BE A TIME THEY SLEEP THROUGH THE NGHT, THERE WILL BE A TIME THEY SLEEP THROUGH THE NIGHT!

We just added rice cereal to their diet. It may be helping with Josie's reflux (thank goodness!) As you can see, it is also really helping the kids sleep through the night ;).

A few more pictures to share:

It is becoming obvious who the kids resemble:

We think Josie looks just like her Uncle Nick

Mia is a spitting image of Max

The verdict is still out on Marcus

I've started jogging with the kids in the evenings. I LOVE this stroller. So do the kids. They are all smiles as they take in the world around them (so much for napping on walks though). We do get much more attention since people can actually see the babies.

Finally, here is a video of the girls gabbing. Turn up the volume! As you can see, Mia is going to be our chatterbox.


Shannon said...

They are too cute. I can't believe how much they are growing and changing!

Meluch+3 said...

They'll sleep through the night. It just seems like it takes forever for them to get there. Call me crazy, but I already miss the 2am feeding!


Tanna's Triplets said...

Aww, they are so cute. Getting any sleep??