Friday, May 9, 2008

25.5 Weeks and Growing

We haven't posted any pictures of the babies in awhile because the technicians don't often catch a good profile shot. At our 25.5 week growth scan we caught a great profile of our boy, Baby B. We always get the most pictures of him and judging by our ultrasound photo album, he would be our "first child". In this picture he has his hand up by his face, probably protecting himself from the girls...better get used to it :)

As always, we received good news and bad news. Appointments are never boring anymore. The babies look great and are growing like weeds. They are measuring between 55-60% for a singleton, which is good if they come earlier than we hoped. I have been loading up on protein (ok, and ice-cream too), which I think helps.

Baby A (girl)- 1 lb. 14 oz.
Baby B (boy) - 1 lb. 14 oz.
Baby C (girl) 2 lb. 2 oz.

Some people have asked how they can weigh the babies. The weights are just an estimate based on measurements they take of their heads, stomachs, and thigh bones.

The bad news is my cervix is continuing to shorten. I did go back to the hospital for a few hours to be monitored for contractions again (as a precaution) but surprise, I was not in labor :) The doctor is letting me continue my bedrest at home for now. The concern is my cervix will continue to shorten and then open, possibly triggering labor. However, there are women who's cervix will shorten and actually dilate but they still will not go into labor for several weeks to months. As my doctor explained, as advanced as science has gotten, we do not fully understand all the factors that brings on labor. In fact, rates of preterm labor have increased over the past 20 years.

On Monday I will get another Ffn test. If it is posotive, I will probably continue my bedrest in the hospital just to be safe. Every day is a new adventure! With the internet and online TV shows, the days go by surprisingly fast!

Thanks for another week!


Meluch+3 said...

I just had my triplets a few weeks ago ( We nicknamed our baby B the movie star because he was the only one we got pictures of toward the end of the pregnancy. These moments are precious. I'm rooting for you to make it to your mid-30s. You're doing a great job so far!


Unknown said...

Keep hanging in there!