Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Nothing new going on here...

I have had a rough time dodging people over the past few months. The holidays and my 30th birthday occurring within a month of each other made it extra tough. Here are how some of my conversations went and (what I was really thinking).

“What is new with you?”

-Oh, not much. Just enjoying the holidays and trying to make it through winter.

(I am pregnant with triplets and am hiding in sweatshirts so no one can see my already expanding belly)

“Any new life developments?”

-Not really, we’ve settled into our rowhouse and I’m wrapping up my last semester of school.”

(Our brand new rowhouse is going to be too tiny for our new family and for the first time in my life I have breasts!)

“Any big 30th birthday plans?”

-Nothing too outrageous, we will probably go to a dinner with friends and then spend the evening out on the town”

(I’m going to stuff myself with pasta with my family and the two friends we have told then go play the Nintendo Wii. I will be in bed by 10 PM)

“How does it feel to be 30?”

-Grown up, finally.

(Like I’m constantly going to throw up and need to sleep 15 hours a day, I feel like a sick child)

“Is your thesis almost done so you can graduate in May?”

-Just wrapping things up

(I’m just getting started and there is no way I’m going to graduate in May…this has nothing to do with the triplets)

“Are you still training/ working out?”

-Of course

(Not at all, in fact I have gained 20 lbs and the thought of exercise is enough to send me straight to bed)

“I’m glad to hear all is good in life”

-Thank you! Life has never been better!


Unknown said...



MotherOf3Guys said...

Most impressive that you could keep such news for so long... Way to go!

Grammy said...

Max and Karla: Thanks for sharing. What an experience and a grandparents dream! Love ya.